A wholly owned family business established in 1992 with sales and manufacturing facilities.
From its inception, 3E Security has designed and manufactured innovative and now-proven products as illustrated. Our series 550 Face to Face Electromagnetic Locks and Series 600 Switches.
With our own dedicated engineering company.We can supply bespoke/custom-designed items for special applications including housings,brackets, accessories for electric locking products.
With Extensive R&D you can be assured that all 3E Security own products are supplied to the highest standard. We can provide customers with specific solutions and take great pride in working with clients developing. Their design requirements from prototypes to batch and volume production.

Why not contact Electric Locking Systems for free help and advice. By email sales@electriclock.co.uk or by phone at 01202 941050 or by visiting us at electriclock.net and use our online chat

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