story behind RGL
In 1999, two brothers founded a company called RGL Electronics with a mission to provide innovative products to the access control market. They started out releasing a range of power supplies to the market from a small 750 square foot warehouse in Wolverhampton. And now, eighteen years later, we’ve grown exponentially as our customer base realise that we place their satisfaction before anything else. As time went on and now we have over 200 products available to our global customer base, covering the entire access control range for the standalone market.
In 2003 they moved into a new set of offices with 4000sq foot of warehousing, this was increased to 6000sq foot in 2007, and again to 10000sq foot in 2010. They are now considered to be one of the leading providers within the UK, Europe and Middle East.
At RGL our vision is to be the market leader! We are innovators; not only do we actively seek to improve and develop our current products but we also strive to revolutionise the Access Control market.
Our products can compliment and support CCTV, Intruder and Fire Systems. We can also offer a complete package for those seeking to improve their Access Control range.
So contact Electric Locking Systems Limited via email to or via phone 01202 941050 or on chat on our website

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